Monday 25 May 2009

Butterfly days are not here just yet ...

"Take time to Sit Quietly. Connect to your higher soul. Breathe. It will calm down inside if you know every thing happening around you is all part of your path and all part of the process of becoming. Think about a cute little caterpillar ~ it you told her that she was going to weave a cocoon, and tuck herself into it and evolve, she'd probably say, Nope, not me, I don't wanna do it. Literally, the caterpillar dissolves itself, it’s stout little solid body and loses a bunch of legs into a bunch of gooky, sticky DNA juice and protoplasm while in the cocoon. It reconstitutes itself (after a while) as a winged butterfly, less legs, lighter on its feet and with a whole new diet ~ pollen instead of leaves.

The forces taking place now are the forces of evolution in your life, similar to the butterfly. Like that caterpillar, you are in the process of evolving. You are on the middle part where you let go of the old life and the new life isn't here yet. It can feel like a gooky, sticky mess of protoplasm inside your cocoon or world. The butterfly is not yet formed BUT you can't go back to being a caterpillar any more either. You have to trust the process and keep moving forward.

Focus on the THINGS YOU ARE CLEAR ABOUT, that is the path through the process of change. The parts you are NOT clear about, put those in a pile in the corner and don‘t worry about them. Easier said than done, I know, but that is the best approach to take with the unclear pile.

The BEST thing to do is to distract your MIND and give it some tasks it can focus on (see, do and work on the stuff you are CLEAR about). Even if all your mind can focus on is how nervous and anxious you are ~ see how your fingers are nervous and drum, how your leg wiggles or you feel short of breath. Distract that busy and crazed working mind of yours with a job to do to keep it focused on what it CAN do something about rather than the uncertainty before it.

You DO have to work to both create and see the underlying story that supports your dream. It is a good week to keep your mouth shut and observe what other people say and do. You are going to see wounds and delusions flapping around all over the place. We all have wounds and delusions. This week, they are hanging out to dry on the wash line and the neighbors are talking.

So be gentle and kind with yourself and others this week. We are all combinations of gooky sticky protoplasm, brave bold dreamers, the heroes and heroines of our own life’s journey and hanging out on earth to help each other evolve as our wounds and delusions hang on the line to dry out. We are all going to be a bit of a mess. At the same time, we all know, with quite a bit of clarity, what we want (at least in some part of our life) for the next chapter. Move towards the clear part in your life. Put the stuff you don’t know what to do with in a pile. Give others hankies if they cry. (Gonna be a lot of tears this week). Say “there, there” and pat hands as needed. Distribute hugs. Big, big evolutionary week. You are leaving caterpillar life behind (wave so long to it!) and moving toward becoming your own butterfly."

- Anne Ortelee - Interpreting the stars for this week -

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