Wednesday 21 June 2017

What if ...?

Listening recently to a regular Youtuber and astrologer Steve Judd he posed a question, "What if you could eliminate one type of prejudice, what would it be?"

One of his clients replied, "Let's get rid of 'Identity Politics'. You're either a human being or you are not. Everything else is power grabbing socially engineered claptrap."

Interesting response. I like the sentiment. Although I could possible go one step further and suggest, 'you're either a living being or not'. All life is to be honoured and respected, not only human life.

Life is beautiful. All we need do is look around. That might seem contradictory in a world full of pain and suffering. And yet in all that is bleak and dark their is a seed of hope and light. That's what stops the toxic stuff from overwhelming us. The tide always turns.

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