Wednesday 11 February 2009

The point of no return

You know that moment just before the champagne cork pops, or the feeling just as you take your foot of the ledge to bungee jump, or just when the string from a bow is released but the arrow has yet to move ...

Well this is it ...

All the forces of nature are pushing in one direction, the point of no return has been crossed and there is a nano second of time when you realise you can not go back and the future has yet to begin - that moment of NOW is so real, it's like the everything that is and ever was or will be. Life is 3-D, 4-D, 5-D ... infinite - D, all your senses are working to the max, AND YET in this moment of extreme awareness, of presence there is a knowing, a feeling of calm inevitability, of impending futureness.

It's scary, intense, overwhelming IN YOUR FACE no ducking, no diving, no hiding and from this you are drawn to the possibility, the newness, the excitement of it all.

WOW - this is happening to me, to the people I love, to acquaintances, to people I meet on the street and just get talking to.

I am witness to these moments occurring around me.

There is a palpable shift going on, no judgment, no good or bad, just change. As the saying goes, it's a stepping off point onto the field of play, have your game head on people, get ready for the B of the Bang, for the lights to go Green, it's all going on.

You better be a player or you'll get played !!!

Hang onto your HATS, coz here we go ... whoosh ..!

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