Thursday 16 September 2010

What's it all about?

Now do come on people...
you all know that I'm a gentle subtle soul
who likes nothing more than tea, biscuits, slippers
and a bit of yoghurt weaving to send me to sleep.

But sometimes I have to let the bulldozer out.
I hear the diatribe of complaint about current times
and those to come, but come on....

What do you think you are really doing down here?
Do you remember why you volunteered to come here in the first place?

You are all specialists in your own field
who through the necessity and trauma of birth
have forgotten why you're here.

This is the most compressed time of human history,
we are on the point of a consciousness breakthrough
never seen before but imagined,
and we have the privilege of seeing the revelation.

And compared to the gargantuan developments of recent months,
the coming few months are a piece of cake -
it's just that they'll be typified by metaphorical actions
involving lasers and scalpels as opposed to the lump hammers
and cudgels of recent months.

It's time to start getting specific.

Never forget - you were born for this, this is why you're here.
And as the genetic time bombs encoded in our DNA begin to explode,
so memory and purpose return.

We are here to facilitate an acceleration and transmutation
of global consciousness and awareness,
nothing more and nothing less.

So you can either act, or react.

.... Steve Judd ....

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