Thursday, 10 November 2016

From Within Look Out

In the light of events this year, 2016, the view hasn't always been a pretty one. Contemplating political outcomes like Brexit and the US election can invoke a polarising response. The far right and the far left gather their troops, To some these are fantastic liberating times where the voiceless, marginalised and some might say less visible members of community feel rightly heard and others feel severed and divided from their land and feel the fear growing within.

What is happening in Standing Rock, Aleppo, Ukraine, Columbia. Brazil (the list is seemingly endless) ... shows how the human world is becoming more divided and where people are standing up for their values and beliefs.

I heard one reporter from the Wall Street Journal site a conversation with a Trump voter on election night describing the unfolding story not as a political milestone but as 'Spiritual' in its significance to them. There are voices speaking out now that are reaching deep into emotional places to let out what wants to be heard. No matter how seemingly unpalatable, politically incorrect, mislead or misjudged some may portray these utterances, what is not helpful is to continue not to listen.

Not listening only sends people and voices deeper into exile, and the deeper into exile they go the more strongly it will rebound to bite back when it does finally come around.

As I sit and look out on what is going on in 2016, the language of division grows ever more deafening. The schisms and chasms are more stark and the depth of despair widens with it. This is a very dark vantage point upon which to stand.

I choose to be part of the hoop of life, where there is a recognised place for everyone. No one being is more important than any other. Each has their role to play. In this way differences and diversity serve the richness of thriving life. In order to live well we have to learn how to get along. We have to focus on responsibilities more so than on our rights. We have an opportunity to see what brings us together more so than what drives us apart.

The richest most fertile places to be are on the edges of systems, be they biological, social, ecological, economic ... here difference and change come together and the need to adapt, shape shift and transform is at it's highest. This is where invention, innovation and creativity springs from and wells up anew to regenerate and serve life.

Now is the time to seek out the edgy places, people and beings wanting to effect change and to open up new opportunities.

Listen to the voiceless.

Life can and wants to thrive. Be in right relations. Be big hearted and respectful. Offer the hand of peace and friendship without knowing or expecting something in return. Let kindness be your watchword. Follow the river of generosity. The horizon is yet a dream away and soon to be a reality. Dream Big. Dream It All. And Dream Life.

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