Saturday, 29 October 2016

Sitting in the discomfort

In a persons life tension, conflict, misunderstanding will eventually arrive, when added up it can amount to a tonne of suffering. For many the natural response to pain and discomfort is to move away form it, escape it, to deny its existence, to negotiate a way out of it, to project the suffering onto someone or something else; essentially to make the unpleasantness stop. If you burn your fingers who wouldn't reflexively pull away?

Here's the thing; there is much to be uncomfortable, anxious and in pain about. Besides the not insignificant abuses and fallouts felt within family and friendship circles there are the numerous events of war, injustice and abuse happening in our communities and beyond at a human and more than human level. You only have to turn on, tune in or click onto a media outlet to be streamed with news of the most heartbreaking manner.

What do we do with our powerful emotions when triggered? Is it possible to sit in the discomfort and pain and wait patiently for a shift or different story to come along? Is it even reasonable to do this? I am not advocating for harm of any kind here, self or otherwise. This is not a masochists agenda. The suggestion I am trying to make or find in these faltering words is suffering may be a portal into the mystery, the impossible, the entanglement between the stories. And in this liminal place there could be a revelation of something that before may not have been visible? In this numinosity is there something new offered up? Making the unseen seen is risky, challenging and dangerous work.

And yet that is where we find ourselves in the evolution of Gaia. Mother Earth and all of life that relies upon her for every breath and impulse of existence is standing on an epoch changing edge. Go one way and we may perish. Choose another path and we may collectively shift into a more life sustaining and thriving existence. It's as simple as that.

Birthing something new is not meant to be without struggle. It's knowing that the obstacles and pains we are going through are for an intended purpose. The lack of a thriving life intention and purpose brings about  a spiritual gap leading to the unwillingness to use conflict and struggle for the betterment of life rather than a force for retraction and destruction.

No I do not know the direction nor the outcome of this current round of suffering. What I do know is that it is helpful to observe and learn the patterns when triggered personally and collectively. To take responsibility for these patterns and to make choices that lead to thriving life. That way heart-ache can turn into heart-ease.

We live in a time of failing nations, systems and stories. There is gold to be found sitting in the dark and uncomfortable places. Don't be too hasty to leave. Know yourself and know your community and build trust.

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