I'm drawn to the story of Sisyphus pushing a rock up the hill. I feel this myth needs refreshing and renewing for our times.
Ukrainian street dup Intererni Kazki created this modern interpretation of Sisyphus on the side of a building in Ekaterinburg, Russia.
It has been suggested that the image connects the myth of Sisyphus to consumerism, highlighting
the emptiness and futility of accumulating more and more things. It raises the questions: Does
being trapped in consumerism feel like a punishment from the gods? Or, do
we have the power to escape from this sentence?"
Or we could re-imagine our myths? We could stand back a little from this close up scene and take in the bigger picture. Maybe Sisyphus is averting some great danger by preventing the consumer goods with all there waste and polluting possibilities from ending up in a landfill. Instead he is taking the difficult path of moving these redundant objects to the upcycling, re-purposing, re-use depot over the hill. Now it does not seem like such a ridiculous and futile task. Sometimes we have to make hard and difficult choices. Sometimes we have to do things which to others may appear stupid. Sometimes changing behaviour takes vision, discipline and hardwork - and yet it's worth it.
Be more like Sisyphus and take the lead to a better future you know is just over the hill.
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