Throughout January I have heard numerous metaphors using water as a reference for understanding the meaning of life. Water is one of the four elements, some say it represents our emotions. Even the commonly used phrase - still waters run deep - shows how water is used to describe a persons state of being.
Here in the UK talk of water in the context of our climatic state is an almost daily occurence. Having just experienced a week of snow fall the thaw is setting in which brings with it floods. Nothing new anymore and yet floods are devastating for those whose livelihoods and/or homes are caught up in its path. Really there is no such thing as floods. What we have is high water levels and too many homes and other developments built on lowland and flood plains. Whatever happened to building on hilltops?
Today I was listening to storyteller Michael Meade, he was talking about the way water terms are used in our vocabulary to describe qualities associated with money, for example, curreny comes from a term for water flow. We have fast currents and slow currents. One thing about currency is it is rarely, if ever, constant for very long. Flow is dynamic, ever changing and in constant flux and relationship with all it comes into contact with.So why are we always wanting, expecting even, money and currencies to rise, when we know from life itself that currents ebb and flow. They go up and they go down. They swell and recede. You can't have one without the other. We are now learning even where there is drought and desertification it is possible to revive and rejuvinate water supplies.
Tonight I read about the surfer Garrett McNamara who off the coast of Portugal is riding the biggest waves I've ever seen. 100ft monuments to wind and water form these skyhigh walls of sea that Garrett seems able to hold his surfboard onto while the water is breaking behind him. The sound alone must be immense not to mention the weight of the crashing wave. It's daunting and inspiring to see this tiny human being dancing with the elements in this way. He looks to be having fun. Like he's out there for the challenge and for no other reason than it's the most exhilirating feeling in the world.
It makes me wonder about my awareness of water and what waves I am choosing to ride ... ?
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