Sunday, 15 January 2012

Eve Ensler - Suddenly, my body

I love this woman for what she has to say, for the journey she is on and the way she shares it with us. I can feel her fierce burning passion for life and her warrior energy as she fights with all her might for what she cares passionately for - which is you and me, the fish and the trees, the earthworms and the whisper of the wind - the everything that is all connected in a beautiful flowing dance of life. The poet [Drew Dellinger] says this entire travelling cosmos is the secret one, slowly growing a body. And this is Eve Ensler feeling into her body, which by extension is the body we all share. The divine. And we can all touch this moment, the realisation that all suffering and harm can be transcended in an instance. Think love. Be love. Think one. Be one.

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