Enclosed in lush green grounds and bathed in sunshine we were able to spend most of our time outdoors with the trees, plants, vegetables, fruits and grasses. From above we were joined by the graceful circling of a red kite. The festival was well worth attending. I was familiary with many of the social learning techniques being used, such as, U-process, appreciative enquiry, prototyping, systems thinking, circles, scenarios ... and yet I found a new community within a community, in that most of the people present seemed to be creatives coming from a social justice path rather than an eco-deep ecology path (I could be wrong, that was my impression).
The first session I went to was on social sculpture with Deborah Ravetz. I liked very much this idea of ‘warming what is hidden, ignored or denied’. How can recalling our own life-story helps us find our deepest selves? I did sessions on creative writing as a means of social change and engagement and story-telling as a process of presencing. Can you share a story of a time when you experienced being in the flow? All good. I found myself preferring being on the edges, listening and observing. More and more I am drawn to the contemplative being rather than active doing.
Story and narrative were reoccurring themes throughout the weekend. Once sensitised to this it was evident that people in one-way or another were sharing their own unique sense-making accounts of the world they encountered. During the larger group opening and plenary sessions a whole kaleidoscope of stories were exchanged, experienced and retold. Back home as I reflect on the weekend I am buzzing with a myriad of memories, thoughts, feelings and questions. What I take away from the Festival are new friendships and connections with a group of amazing, open, warm, welcoming and generous people. I was touched by the courageous acts of many to feel and show their own vulnerabilities with those of us present. As well as much laughter and fun, I was deeply moved on many occasions throughout the weekend. I recognise I am always learning and there-in lays the opening for transformation.
If you would like to spend a couple of days questioning, inquiring, co-creating, contemplating, being curious, exploring, observing, collaborating, celebrating, commemorating, presencing, story-telling, writing songs, poetry or prose, witnessing, innovating and generally digging deep into the many ways of knowing bag of the emerging world we live-in I would recommend the next Festival for Social Change or any other learning event offered by Reos Partners. For more information click on http://www.reospartners.com
Cheers to the good things of life!!!