There is a saying in Irish Gaelic, which when translated says, 'All things are connected by a thread of poetry'. The lifeforce or Dana, as they call it in Gaelic, is poetry. Writing poetry is a form of shape-shifting. Celts as poets understand each other. They may not appear to speak clearly or literally. In the way of Taliesin, Celts speak in riddles, in the language of the birds and of animals. We are reminded of Black Elk when he said, 'all things are alive and they want to communicate'. And as Keat's suggests 'we're here to make our soul.' And so it is the poet who knows how to capture the language and images of the lifeforce in all things. We learn to live with mystery and not get hung up on fact or reason.
She pointed up
At the night sky.
Can you see them,
No, I replied.
You do believe me?, she asked.
Yes, I said.
And I did believe her
(I still couldn't see them).
A poet is a person who has visions. Who sees things that other people can't see. Some resist the idea that the poet is a mystic or visionary. What Taliesin did is identify with nature, by opening up to something that was always there and to the realisation that we are already connected to everything. The Celtic soul is not a soul trapped in a human body. The soul is free, it can wander, it can shape-shift. As Hildegard of Bingen said, 'just as the heart is hidden in the body, the body is hidden in the soul'. The Great Mother of life wants to enrich our souls. And the power of the soul reaches to the end of the earth ... in this way the earth is still reaching out towards its own creation. We're here to take the greatest stride our souls can take, which is to shape-shift, to realise the oneness of all things. We appear to be separate in order to make it through this physical world. Ego boundaries protect the body, but this only represents 10% of the soul, the other 90% of the soul is out there being a hawk, an oak tree, a raindrop. The goal of the 10% ego identified part of our souls is to realise it is one with all things, to become integrated with the other 90% of the soul. To become WHOLE.
"Sitting by a tree, near to a stone and next to a stream it was difficult to separate the three. They all called at once. I placed my attention on the stream and I imagined what is the stream? Is it the container, marked by the stream-bed and the banks. These connect to the soil, which connects to the rock and the tree and beyond. Is it the content, the continuous flowing fluidity of water, never still, always moving. The stream seems to have no boundaries; it is everything. I then realise I can fly about in something indescribable and to create awareness of a tree or rock. With the rock I could feel its ancientness, its age and I was aware it could seem dense and solid but it didn't need to be. I could pass through the rock and it could pass through me."
My home is my sanctuary.
It is my place of safety.
Where I belong.
Take this away and I can
Feel lost, I can struggle
To recognise myself. I
Lose my sense of stability.
In these times others,
Special people, have come
To remind me who
I am - Who see me.
Blink, I'm awake.
Not awakened.
Scared and alone.
Heart racing, heat rising,
Mind swirling, fear driving
This ship bobbing
On turbulent seas,
Gripping tightly - I breathe!
Unseen and unseeable
To all but a few.
Tracks of fear
Circling around me
Tormenting my soul.
The warm winds gently
Tap on my shoulder,
I turn to follow
My path.
The Celts have a tradition of the great song. Your heart song is the idea of your thread, it's always there. Even though there are times when you might not see it, it's always there. Remember all things are connected by a thread of poetry.
Joy is speaking my truth.
Sorrow is not speaking up loud enough, saying NO and meaning it!
Peace is being heard.
"The song of peace comes from my heart. It is open and expansive, it lightens and relaxs everything around me like a beautiful lullaby. I can go into a place of intimate togetherness with love. I'm in a relaxed place of feeling, wanting to be there and wanting to share. I feel the tension and anxiety releasing from my back. In peace everything will be ok."
Be brave
Choose joy
Know sorrow
Find peace.
I can fly
Not as you might imagine
I forgot how for a long time
I can fly
It's time to lift myself
Up, be joyful
Ease back
Take flight
And spread my wings.
In the words of Taliesin from the Hostile Confederacy ...
I am Taliesin
And I defend the true lineage
Until the end of time.
I know when the spark of hardness works from the stones.
I know the end of the dawn.
I know what made enduring patience when the sky was raised.
I know why a hill resounds.
I know why the silver vault was knitted.
I know why the valley is radiant.
I know what name of two words will never be taken from the cauldron.
I know the four elements but there end is not known to me.
I have been dead, I have been alive.
I am Taliesin
And I defend the true lineage
Until the end of time.
# Acknowledgement to the shamanic teachings of Tom Cowan 2-5 September 2010 at Cae Mabon, North Wales.
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