Thursday, 14 January 2010

Today nearly bites, but two events saved the day ...

Ok I woke up feeling not so confident, today was decision day, I kept checking my email for news of a potential bursary to attend a training programme, checking, checking, no news. I left the house to go for a walk and while out near the tarns Becky decides to do a disappearing act. Now I'm feeling angry, my life feels out of control. It's not really, it just feels like I'm at the beck (no pun intended) and call of others. I'm shouting Becky's name very loudly all over the moor, retracing my steps, looking everywhere. Eventually I see her in the distance plodding along, completely chilled doing her own thing. Typical! We get back on our walk and as I'm coming round the top of the tarn, first event to save my day happens, I spot a heron taking off into flight, turning back on itself and sailing off into the distance. Wow. Heron's are so cool. They are the personification of poise, presence and serenity. Even in flight everything seems so together and effortless for them. I didn't manage to grab a photo, it all happened too quick and I was enjoying the moment, but here's a picture I took of another heron I say in the autumn while walking on Walthamstow marshes.

On arriving home still no email, now I'm beginning to sense the news will definitely not be good. It's a classic technique, send out bad news at the end of the working day. That way you don't have to deal with any come back for at least 12 hours and hopefully the receiver of the bad news has calmed down after they've had time to think. I decide I need to do something positive. Quickly I google drumming circle and second event to save my day, as luck would have it a drumming class is starting this very evening in the city near to me. Yeah, my drum given to me for my birthday can now be used as it was intended and not as a laptop stand! I go get myself ready. I'm set to go out and one last check of my emails, there it is, the email that says no you have not got the bursary and no you are not coming on the training. Crapola. Rejection is never easy to take. Yes I feel the size of a small ant. For a few minutes even drumming didn't appeal. After a quick reality check and a swift reminder that this is the year of jumping not wimping out, my drum was in the back of the car and off we went. As I eased opened the door into the drumming room I could hear the roll of drums hailing my entrance, from there it was up up and away!

A day that could have so nearly gone down on record as not so good was saved by a heron and a drum.

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