Is this two trees or one tree, who knows? This wondrous tree(s) greeted me on my way round St John's reservoir. There were many sheep on route but not another single human being. Passing through two derelict farms no roads nearby suggested they have been empty for many years. It seemed that way to me. The day before a white feather guided me toward St Michael's church. I rarely go into churches, this one was old on ancient land and it felt ok. Inside on the archway leading to the alter were the words 'Reverence My Sanctuary'. I liked that, for me walks among the fells and dells of Yorkshire, or anywhere for that matter, are precisely that, reverence in sanctuary. And it reminds me of the alder tree up on the moor. On the lectern sat an opened bible, the page highlighting John 13:31, in the short passage was the line 'And now I give you a new commandment: love one another' - as they say up north - there's nowt fairer than that!
Spring is round the corner, the colours are coming, the colours are coming ... I saw my first sighting of snowdrops this week. Big smiles. Big beautiful earth smiles. On Tuesday I was told by a wise old soul that my colour of the moment is Indigo. The colours are coming, the colours are coming. In the silence I was reminded to go back to the three questions: What do I offer? Who do I make the offer to? Who do I work with? I know to trust answers will emerge when ready.
My second wise soul visitation came from the southern side of the county later the same day. Be patient she said. It's not selfish to look after yourself and to find out what it is that you are resourced by. I maybe invisible to many but not to her, what a massive relief. Be mindful of feedback, it can often be other people's stuff in disguise. Learn to hold yourself. It can be done. Find your own words. And finally another question: do I feel worthy? hum ...
At the end of the week on the day of rest in the week of rest it all began with a dance of bells followed by a clashing and smashing of sticks. Did you know when the dragon awakes in the morning to feel well it needs to feed on stories. There was the tale about the liberation of spring by the silent one, the strong armed one and the one with sharp claws.
The green man gathered us round to remind us that when we wear a woolly jumper we ought not to be surprised if the sheep come into your garden and eat the fruits and the vegetables, well it's only fair - the scales of ecological justice need to be balanced. And from behind a crow lent upon a tree whilst watching over us.
The colours are coming, the colours are coming. As the snow drifts, the flowers rise. The birds feed, the animals feed, the dragons feed; we can all find food as winter abates and the rites of spring draw near. Ask yourself this; what is it that nourishes you?