Extracts from an article by Tanna Jakubowicz-Mount in The International Journal of Transpersonal Studies, 2005, Volume 24 p.90-91.
Czech president Vaclav Havel, speaking at Harvard University, said, “I am persuaded again and again that, lying dormant in the deepest roots of most, if not all, cultures there is an essential similarity, something that could be made—if the will to do so existed— a genuinely unifying starting point for that new code of human coexistence that would be firmly anchored in the great diversity of human traditions” (1995).
A saying attributed to the Hopi Indians says, “We are the ones we have been waiting for.”
How can we respond to this situation?
1. Promoting the renaissance of holistic culture, drawing from old spiritual traditions, cultivating the real nature of man as a manifestation of the true nature of all creation, reclaiming the sacredness of life and death;
2. Enhancing the evolution of humankind from homo tribus to homo holos. The tribal human is preoccupied mostly with the tribal drives of the first three chakras—basically having to do with territory and survival. The holistic human is able to raise awareness to the heart and the crown chakra level, and embrace the entire Earth community;
3. Inspiring new women’s movements to reclaim feminine power and wisdom, and to bring in more love and respect for the Earth and all living beings;
4. Developing the politics of awareness, fostering a new sense of planetary consciousness that is interfaith and multicultural;
5. Supporting culture and communication without violence; and
6. Co-creating a new code of co-existence based on the values that underlie the great spiritual traditions.
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