Wednesday, 7 November 2018


In the second half of 2018 there is much happening in the anti-fracking movement and the extinction rebellion group. It is part a response to the recently published IPCC report indicating the small timeframe left to redress climate change. People who otherwise would not typically be active environmentalists are being called into action. It's amazing to see.

At this time I am also reminded that humans are not at the centre of anything.

I do think we have a very inflated self obsessed sense of ourselves. By this I mean, everything is filtered through a very human-centric lens. It's hard not to do this. Nevertheless, our self-reflexivity does offer other options.

When it is suggested we are guardians or stewards of Earth and therefore must act to protect her. I want to suggest an alternative position, that we are instead temporary guests. Each one of us is passing through. Here for a short time.

From this view point;
What if, we de-center our self-importance?
Become more humble.
Become more grateful, caring and appreciative of all other forms of life.
What if, no one needs saving from no-thing?
What if, we do not need to shift human consciousness?

From an open hearted trusting place there is the potential that consciousness, will shift us. That potentiality is always present. Unfortunately too often fear gets before love. No judgement. It's very hard to sometimes even recognise fear is trumping love. Fear, scarcity, loss, hate, deprivation, trauma, anxiety are peddled every second of the day from the moment we are born. That is why we have an epidemic of mental disease and chronic tiredness. Learning how to meet and hold painful and fear-based energies, emotions, experiences is a life's work.

Recognising that light comes out of darkness and darkness comes out of light allows us to appreciate that polarities by definition are inseparable. To deny one is to deny them both simultaneously. You cannot know joy without knowing sorrow. When we truly see and feel the interconnectedness of all things we recognise that everything is ok. This is not to dismiss suffering. It is to recognise it does not exist in isolation. And to hold suffering we need to come into relationship with all of life.

Then being human is transformed from this very diminished place of consumer, careerist, capitalist into a dancing co-creator. Life is not a linear industrial machine striving for productivity, efficiency and an optimalism. Life is a cyclical relationship of reciprocity, generosity and creativity. Change, movement and dynamism are continuous as life seeks further and deeper expression of itself.

All of which takes me to the words of Jalaluddin Rumi.

"This being human is a guest house. Every morning a new arrival. A joy, a depression, a meanness, some momentary awareness comes as an unexpected visitor. Welcome and entertain them all! Even if they’re a crowd of sorrows, who violently sweep your house empty of its furniture, still, treat each guest honorably. He may be clearing you out for some new delight. The dark thought, the shame, the malice, meet them at the door laughing, and invite them in. Be grateful for whoever comes, because each has been sent as a guide from beyond" (translated by Coleman Barks).

Tuesday, 4 September 2018

Cash is King @ The Saatchi Gallery

A brilliantly imaginative exhibition at the Saatchi Gallery. 
Cash is King; the art of defacing money. 
Each banknote is a mini piece of graffiti.

Monday, 2 July 2018

The Fisher King

Today I caught sight of the Kingfisher making flight upstream and then downstream over the river Dart. What a glorious sight on a bright summers day. I had visited the river quite a few times in recent weeks hoping to see this beautiful bird with no avail. This morning I walked down to the banks once again with a good friend who has a much stronger acquaintance with this wondrous creature. I thank the kingfisher and him for this precious moment.


"Kingfisher indicates a period of increased mental and spiritual activity. He will show how to manifest your destiny by listening to your intuition. Since psychic perceptions are increasing, he will instruct how to remain grounded in the earth and be comfortable in doing so. Take time for yourself in quite solitude connecting to Mother Earth. Grounding and centering is needed. Although he may be shy, he knows how to strike with determination. How are you using your "dagger-like bill"? He will teach the art of timing and when to act. Kingfisher demonstrates excellent visionary skills and will teach how track your "prey". He directs attention to feelings and what is unseen. Watch carefully what is going around you. Listen to your dreams and visions. He shows it is time for forward movement, letting go, forgiving the past. Kingfisher's medicine guides in seeing into the depths of emotions and into the un/subconscious. His lesson goes much deeper than what is on the surface. This is another opportunity to balance masculine and feminine energies. He aids communication and reaching higher spiritual energies along with the ability to express ideas with coherence. Take care of your upper energy centers for they will increase in sensitivity. Kingfisher presents a time of prosperity, love, warmth, and a new found peace of mind. The time period for Kingfisher is about a month of exploring and learning and another month of adapting the new energies. Pay attention to its color which correlates to the area in which to personally reflect upon."

Friday, 15 June 2018

Shiny Happy People

A few years ago I was in a room connecting with the stories that no longer serve me. I was trying to identify the toxic mimics in my life that I needed to remove. I wanted to convert the toxic mimic into authentic ways to meet my needs. 

During this exercise I was seeing images and hearing songs. I always pay attention to what my subconscious is sending me. Typically they contain a message. The first song was a Doris day tune, Que Sera Sera. It starts with the line, 'When I was just a little girl I asked my mother what will I be? As I read through the lyrics I am struck by a line that repeats through the chorus, 'The future is not ours to see'. Each question in the song is met with this same answer, 'The future is not ours to see.

I live in a binary story that is oppositional in tone. For every position there is a counter position. Thesis and anti-thesis. Black and white. Right and wrong. Good and evil. In an ideologically driven time I know my move. Pick a side and fight to be the dominant winning argument that powers over and rules. Simple. In my story capitalism is winning. Possibly, as Francis Fukuyama suggests, the final out and out winner of all time. 

I watch the news and the world seems caught up in battle lines where this ideological binary is being fought on land and sea and air. The fault lines are in the Middle East over oil, in Asia over land grabs, in Latin America over political movements. The fight is on.

During the 21 century the division has dispersed and it is no longer a simple geographical matter. The difference is more like a rhizome, appearing everywhere and anywhere at any given moment. Bombs and explosions being set off in the cities of North America and Europe, Australia. Nowhere appears safe anymore.

A second song starts to play. This melody is accompanied by the words of William Blake. The last lines of which are, 'I will not cease from mental fight, nor shall my sword sleep in my hand till we have built Jerusalem in England's green and pleasant land'. And there is William fighting with ideas and mental thoughts 'sword in hand'. 

How do I move on from the binary? How can power in this story be transformed into something everyone can share? When will we allow everything and everyone to shine?

And a third song arrives with these lyrics by R.E.M.

'Meet me in the crowd, people, people
Throw your love around, love me, love me
Take it into town, happy, happy
Put it in the ground where the flowers grow
Gold and silver shine'

Moving into a new chapter of the story. A story of cooperation and empowerment, of shared power, of circles and community. I need to explore this much more. 

Will I dare show my heart, live from my heart and allow my thoughts and feelings to be in service to what entangles me and not what divides me?

This thought thread is to be continued...

Sunday, 4 March 2018

Spring is here, she's waking up.

This beautiful picture by Lisa Aisato sums up the last 4 days. We had blizzards on Thursday and were snowed in for the next couple of days. A blanket of snow snuggled over the land. Not much else to do except sledge outside and be warm around the wood-burner inside.

Now the storms have passed and the sky is cloudy with outbreaks of sunshine and blue. The melt begins and the rivers and streams are full with the waters travelling back to the seas.

Winter has been long and a big teacher this year. Lots of lessons and realisations. With the rebirth of spring there are new paths to seek and follow. And there are old paths to thank and move on from.