Tuesday, 29 August 2017

The story of us is the authentic story

Here are some very wise and timely words on story-telling. The distinction is not so much between fiction and non-fiction as our rationally educated western mind makes. The distinction is more between an authentic and an inauthentic story. Wow.

An inauthentic story is about you. Whereas an authentic story is about us. In the times we live where the system is in sort of end game death spiral we need medicine from our stories. A medicine we need now is stories about me and you. Stories that involve us. Stories that build bridge, make community, bring us together as one and in all our diversity, beauty and disquiet.

Thank you Barry Lopez for telling it like it is.

Tuesday, 15 August 2017

When I get sick ...

I love and totally agree with the sentiments above and yet when a virus encompasses me the ability to be aesthetically arrested ebbs slowly away until one day I can begin questioning the meaning of life entirely.

It's too easy to take ones health for granted and to sometimes not fully appreciate or empathise with others not in full health. It's amazing how a lose of ones energy for an extended period of time not only has its obvious physical effects it can also grind down ones confidence and self-esteem.

Gradually life gets whittled down to the essentials. Friends are one by one left at the curb. Fun stuff no longer feels fun. A strange kind of boredom sets in. All because the umpff of life has deflated. The fuel dial is on the E for empty.

Negatives seem the size of an immovable house and positives the size of a gnat by comparison. Perspective floats off in a tiny leaky boat.

Time passes. Seasons change. All will be well again one day. But sadly not soon enough when I feel this rubbish. I am over feeling like a damp rag.

Bring on the something different.  Bring on the rainbows and glitter showers. Let full spectrum colour return with a power surge to boost.

May it be so ...

I write this to remind myself that black clouds are not forever and yet when they hover over head the task of Sisyphus looms large.