What kind of adventure is about to happen to these incredible characters 'binary' and 'non-dual'? Who knows! To me they appear more and more as if they are different sides of the same coin.
I am reminded of last weeks spontaneous opportunity to sit in a brothers and sisters circle with the invitation to share what the sacred divine feminine and/or masculine arises in each of us. I sat and listened to a group of sincere people open their hearts and share. And yet, oh yes - the beautiful and yet shows up - as possibly the only gay in the village, I mean circle, that day (and I am making a sweeping assumption, as I do not know if that was true - it sure felt like it) the sharing was disquietingly binary in content. As if each one had digested the blue is for boys and pink is for girls pill.
I was wondering to myself what happened to the spectrum, the fluidity of gender, sexuality, archetypes and also even more so where was the transcendence of the binary into something even deeper, more life identifying than inner and outer masculine and feminine aspects of ourselves.
Funnily one person offered a realistic lion figure as a representation of their divine masculine and some of us in the circle began to roar. Then again as the circle was drawing to it's close a spontaneous round of noises and animal sounds erupted into the space. Like a primal release that may not for some or all speak of any archetype or gender.
Owwwww owwww, rooooaaaarrrrr the other than human shows up to make some noise.
As a gay woman I do not always feel comfortable to join a women's circle and nor do I feel invited to a men's circle. However, it felt possible to join a circle where both were invited to share and inquire together. Then on participating it did not feel quite right to speak into that space about what I was thinking. My heterodoxy seemed too strongly present. As a gay person I'm not sure my divine feminine and masculine chimes in with what was being shared. Nor do I find these archetypes that useful, maybe because of the loaded meanings that have been appropriated fairly or not to these words.
Not too long ago I was fascinated by the potential of such a circle sharing. Now I have been in one I am no longer that drawn to what I heard.
If anything the experience served to map out what is outmoded and not working for me in community. I now find myself drawn to discovering the new common ground and considering what that might be in the 21st century,
Yesterday I finished reading 'Of water and spirit' by Malidoma Some. During the last initiation he writes about Malidoma has this realisation:
“I had an epiphany, that the light we encounter on the road to death is our being in the act of coming home to itself. I understood that light is our natural state, but that we humans must help each other as we move towards the shores of light. We must be born and die many times to reach the light, and ten thousand years can pass in a flash. Being in the light is knowing we must get others into it. The soul that has already attained perfect enlightenment returns to life in compassion to help other souls along their journey.” (p.277)
What this makes me think is we are light beings, all of us, and this maybe our common ground. Being male or female, or identifying with our divine masculine and feminine may have some place in our lives and yet an even bigger context of common ground is our life force and our ability to be love, to be light. Yes we are each unique and inherently different, whilst simultaneously being inseparable and one.
To which I want to ask, what lies beyond the one ... infinity ... that's to be a thought for another day.