I am the source of all echoes.
And the echo today is,
The deer in the road.
This is the giving time.
The pulling over, laying lament
And being present time.
No-thing to fix.
No-thing to save.
And yet stop!
Stop and be with what is.
As difficult, uncomfortable and
Disturbing as it might be.
Don't turn away your gaze.
There is no ugly here.
It may be inevitable and painful.
If you wait there for a while,
A softening and change may come.
May come I say as I do not know.
Because I did not stop!
Swerving to avoid personal disaster
Is no escape.
Be with what is.
Be undone by what is.
Let what lies before your eyes
Have its way with you - unashamedly.
And no matter the fear, dread
And rising currents from below,
Let them come and have their way
With You.
It's time.
Pull over, get out of the car of life.
It's not about me, or you or
How we feel anymore.
It's about not Knowing.
It's about being there
And taking in what we don't
Want to witness,
What we don't want to see
And saying ...