Sunday, 18 January 2015

Holding on Letting go

The night stretches out before me
Into a kind of eternity
Darkness flickers behind the candle
And my thoughts are with a beautiful soul
Making her final earthly journey
As she slowly rises to meet the stars
Great mother ocean and
Great father sky pick her up
Bring her ever so softly
And with tender gentleness
Into your loving embrace
I watch over her tonight
We all watch over her
On this night of nights

Monday, 12 January 2015

Where I am

Where I am
Serenaded by sounds of the cockerel
Clouds above drive in the wintry rains
And the bear cave is calling me into its depth
It's time to slumber in the lodge of dreams
To take off into other world adventures
How long for?
I do not know or care
For it is about departures not arrivals
It's about untangling the ties of this worldliness
The demands of tax forms
The incessant tapping of emails on laptop screens
Let the darkness fall and the softness of fur envelope me
Let the machine noises quieten and slip away