It's the closest and largest full moon of the year. The image below is a view of the super full moon taken this evening from our bedroom window looking over the roof tops of Totnes.
Technically astronomers call this sort of close full moon a
perigee full moon. The word
describes the moon’s closest point to Earth for a given month. Two
years ago, when the closest and largest full moon fell on March 19,
2011, many used the term supermoon. Last
year, the term was use again to describe the year’s closest full moon
on May 6, 2012. Now the term supermoon is being used a lot. The moon will not be so close again until August, 2014. The explanation of a supermoon is described by NASA in the graphic below.

Astrologically this full moon is a time of culmination and the promise of
fulfilment of that which was started at the New Moon. It is an
emotional time - a time of romance, fertilisation, and relationships. The
Cancer-Capricorn polarity concerns the balance between the
private life, domesticity, the need for a home base, and
nurturance (represented by Cancer) versus the public life,
career, reputation, and accountability (represented by
Capricorn). Attachments and love are ruled by Cancer, while
achievements and rewards/punishments are ruled by Capricorn. In
some ways, this polarity deals with the balance between
unconditional love and conditional love. Cancer encourages us to
value our home base and our roots, while Capricorn persuades us
to consider our sense of duty and responsibility along public
or professional lines. While Cancer may be content to be dependent, Capricorn
urges us to be grown-up and responsible. Cancer represents the
origin, and Capricorn represents the goal. Neglecting either end
of the axis will surely backfire on us. Ideally, a balance
should be found between the two energies, and this is what the
Full Moon invites us to do. This Full Moon is about balancing
our commitment to our career and families. Something has been
building inside of us, and now is the time when the energy of
the cosmos fairly demands that we let it out. Over the next two
weeks, we will discover what this means for us. For now, we
can't sit on our feelings. We need to express them (