Holy cow, sometimes the cards are too spot on for my comfort, more of this later. It's been a challenging year in some ways and a blessed one in others. The challenges have been life purpose related. Having taken the step away from job security to search for a path that is more authentic and meaningful I am still waiting for a greater sense of clarity and a clearer sign of momentum. Of late it has too often felt like I have been taking two steps forward followed by one step back. To say my patience is being strecth is an understatement. Holding true is what I am trying to do, and yet the desire for the uncertainty to be over is strong. I am learning many lessons. One of which is that living with not knowing is likely to become a more normal activity and that instead of expecting the uncertainty to go away what I need to do is find better ways to live with it.
Today is the winter solstice up here in the northern hemisphere. Two years ago we were held in by waves of snow and freezing temperatures. Today it is almost balmy and quiet unseasonally warm. Today is also the long await end of the Mayan calendar. Well, the end of many epochs. A grand shift is upon us as we move to a more loving, connected and harmonious age. I surely hope this is all true. earlier today on our way from Surrey to Devon we drove passed Stonehenge. The setting was beautifully backdropped by an azure blue sky and crowds of people were thronged around the ancient stones. More people were making the long walk back to their cars having spent the earlier hours of the solstice honouring out shortest day of the year.
It's the time of year for quiet and reflection, for sitting in circle around burning fires and for intention setting now a new age is upon us. I had the honour of standing in a hand-held circle with some lovely people from Schumacher College. Afterwards I meditated alone and before me were angel cards set out in the symbol of the infinity. I chose two cards, one from each half of life. My angel from the first half of life was Grace and the second half of life was Humour. Great angels to have present.
On returning home we chose tarot cards and mine was spookily accurate. Up turned the seven of pentacles. For which the reading said the card depicts; "A farmer leaning on his spade gazing at pentacles that grow on a bush
like fruit. She has done all the work, planted, planned, toiled. Now, all
she can do is wait. And wait she has, for so long that she's growing
impatient. She's beginning to doubt that the fruit on this tree will ever
be ready to harvest and sell.
In all four Sevens, the challenge presented cannot be won unless
the questioner is determined to succeed and will not let themselves give up.
The challenge in the solid, earthy Pents emphasizes this the most.
Sometimes called "Failure" this is a card where one's patience is
beginning to wear thin. You may be tempted to announce that it's all a
failure and walk away. Or, weary of waiting, you could make a mistake,
assume that the fruit is ripe when it's not.

This is an especially hard card (and challenge) for someone who
has been out of work for a while, or has been trying to get back their
health. They have to be told that, hard as it is, they must extend their
patience. They must also be careful to recognize real opportunity from
false opportunity. It's all too easy to act out of frustration, thinking
that doing anything is better than doing nothing.But acting out of frustration can lead to failure. Real
opportunity is on its way. Hang in there and use all you've learned to
recognize it when you see it.
aaaahhhhh ... so more patience is called for - and the good news is that the future is about finding new ways to use my exisiting skills. Good to know writing and education are part of my future afterall. In a big way this is a relief. And patient I can be, for a little while longer.