Monday, 21 March 2011


Over the weekend we had a perigee full moon. Every twenty years the moon is at its closest to Earth and therefore appears that much larger in the night sky. On Saturday she was veiled behind clouds and yet shone through in her haziness. Last night the sky was clearer and the moon was this golden beacon of enigmatic beauty. An awesome sight to behold. Quite hypnotic if you dared to stared up at her for any length of time.

the silence
of nature

the power within.
the power


the path is whatever passes-no
end in itself.

the end is,

not saving.

the proof

the proof of the power within.

- gary snyder -

Listening into my body,
what she has to say.

Knowing there is honey there,
my honey to nurture,
to hold.

Bees can fly by this hive,
but only those invited
can enter.

The honey is not for anyone.
It's time to take
care of me.

It's time to be nourished.
Listening within,
Holding my inner beauty,
with honour,
with care.

Friday, 18 March 2011

Times are a changing, shifts are a coming again and again ...

These times we live in only call us to walk more deeply into our interconnectedness. The changes happening invite us to expand our capacity for compassion and hold the suffering, with the guidance and comfort of the Love within us.

Take a moment to be in your heart with those more directly effected by the changes. Let them know in whatever way is appropriate to you that they are not alone. Light a candle, meditate, say a prayer, donate your time, money, resourses. Re-member that we are all one, and what affects one, affects all of us.

Peace be upon you.

Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Ash Wednesday for Dreamers of Hidden Desires

As the new buds of spring emerged from the darkness below with all their glorious vibrant colour, so we to begin to show the early signs of what is to become. It seems that we need new beginnings, or everything eventually devolves and declines into unnecessary and sad endings. We were made for so much more! So today we must pray for the desire to desire! Even if we do not feel it yet, ask for new and even unknown desires. For we will eventually get what we really desire. I promise you. It is the all of everything doing the desiring at our deepest level. Therefore we will get nothing less than what we really desire, and almost surely much more. The everything we are part of desires through us and longs for Life and Love through us and in us. Allow it, speak it, and you will find your place in the universe of things. We cannot begin to desire something if we have not already slightly tasted it. Now take a deep breath and make that deep and hidden desire conscious, deliberate, and wholehearted. Make your desires good and far-reaching on this Ash Wednesday of new beginnings. And remember new beginnings invariably come from the ashes of old false things that are allowed to die. Let go of what you no longer need on your journey to make space for the new which is waiting for you round the next corner.

that still point within

Can you listen into your body
and hear your own silence?
Can you find the oscillation of love
between two beings
that brings them together
in harmony?
How is it we slip pass one
another unseen?
Glimpsing into each others eyes
and missing what is right before us.
It's more than being still.
It's more than being silent.

Tuesday, 8 March 2011

ch ch changes ...

We will not think ourselves into a new way of living, we will live ourselves into a new way of thinking. Let’s allow ourselves to seek new life settings for ourselves, much more than new ideas to discuss and shelve.

- paraphrasing something from Richard Rohr -

Monday, 7 March 2011

Spring has sprung ...

... the colours are well and truly showing themselves, and spring is on it's way if not upon us already, it feels like change is happening, another transition. Like the start of a new chapter, and yet the old chapter ended so abruptly. Today the hermit came visiting, shining his light into the dark corners, illuminating what is there but rarely if ever seen.

It is time to take stock, to slowly look around and reflect on where I am. It feels like something is moving deep inside, underneath, far below ... something yet to show itself and yet it will and I need to be ready. But if I shine the light to quickly, to brightly this thing will only go away again.

It is time to go gently, be kind, not be forceful.

It is time to sit by the river and listen to the music of the water flowing by. Time to walk with my back to the sun, to be warmed by the rays passing through the clouds bringing their reminder of the summer to come.

No sudden or quick movements nor any rash or hasty decisions ... changes are coming I can feel it!