It turned the beautiful month of May yesterday, Beltane and the start of spring. The bluebells are rising majestically spreading their wonderful shade of blue like a magical blanket underneath the outstretched arms of the trees. Wild garlic can be smelt from the path and the light stretches out further and further in the day. Good times! Life enhancing moments! Big deep breathes!
I turn the page on my calender to find the above image by Tom Purvis. This is a poster made in 1929 for the LNER railways. The symbolism feels strong. Could this be an opportunity to dive into the future? What does the month of may hold? And the colour red, what might it represent? Inspiration, passion ...
The rollercoaster is ever present and the transitions/learning edges continue a pace ... somewhere in the descent of initiation a releasing from the past has occurred, no going back now I'm deep in the wild, on wild mountain maybe, or in the wild woods? Old patterns are becoming easier to see and yet I can still fall into them too easily for my liking, however to be fair at least now I get angry with myself and then try and do something about it to make changes, to find new patterns, to find me.
The change towards greater authenticity is no straight forward path. The challenges are just as great, simply different and lessons need to be learnt a new.
This form of growing can be as uncomfortable as those awkward teenage years. The desire to withdraw is strong. And yet I know I ought to advance, advance, advance ... maybe that is where the armour of the red knight comes into my story?