Wednesday, 24 June 2009


The pain is so visceral and real
It knocks me off my feet and
My knees weaken and fall away
Beneath me as my body sinks
Inexorably to the ground below.

My hands touching the soft wet
Ground grasp at the leaves
For the purchase that might steady
My shaking body, as my soul
Spirals into a blackened confusion.

Lost in its own anguish, screaming
Its own agonies in the unanswerable
Cross examination of the mind,
My physical body abandons itself to the
Emotional realm in an endless continuum

Of turmoil, wrecking waves of
Anxiety over my psyche time and
Time again, as distant thoughts echo
In and out of reality trying to rescue
Me from the abyss they call insanity.

Whilst wrestling the never-ending darkness
I cannot cede the fight to this loss.
At my core, the essence of my being
All that remains is that lonely fight
Back to the light of living and life.

To go on is not a betrayal of love
Nor does it deny the past its
Rightful place in my memories. Of all that
Has been and all that will come
What does remain true is love.

Monday, 22 June 2009

Love is ...

Love is where
Where is Love

Love is here
Here is Love

Love is when
When is love

Love is now
Now is love

Love is what
What is love

Love is you
You are love

Love is why
Why is love

Love is all
All is love

Love is how
How is love

Love is being
Being love

Love is …

Wednesday, 10 June 2009

What did I learn today?

I have learnt that there are times when I need to ...

step up my game,
reach out,
stay focused,
pull up my sleeves,
take a different path,
show a little heart,
stand up and be counted,
take one for the team,
dig deeper,
and deeper again,
listen to the hard to hear stuff,
be humble, less proud,
ask for help,
keep going,
and see it through to the end.

There are unexpected
and unforeseen rewards to be found
around the corner,

Oh yeah and really importantly,
say thank you.